5th Nanowire Growth Workshop NWG 2010

Cari colleghi,
desidero portare alla vostra attenzione l'iniziativa di cui qui sotto.
grazie per l'attenzione, cari saluti
4-5 November 2010
Rome, Italy*

*Second announcement*

Dear colleagues,

You are invited  to participate in the 5th Nanowire Growth Workshop, which will take place on 4-5 November 2010 in Rome, Italy. This meeting follows the workshops held in Lund (2006 and 2007), Duisburg (2008),and Paris (2009). The workshop is intended to provide a forum for lively discussion on the growth of semiconductor nanowires.

In the web site of the workshop (http://nwg2010.artov.imm.cnr.it/index.html) you will find the information for registration and abstract submission, as well as the list of invited speakers and a few practical information. The deadline for both registration and abstract submission is 5 September 2010.

Looking forward to seeing you in Rome

Faustino Martelli.