[Applied Nuclear Physics Conference 2024] Deadline Alert: ANP2024 Special Volume in ARI

Dear ANP2024 participants,

just a quick flash alert on the deadline for the submission of your full research articles to the Special Volume in Applied Radiation and Isotopes journal.

The deadline is approaching fast (March 3rd, 2025), so please hurry and submit your article.

We would like to complete the peer-review process and have the volume ready a timely manner.

Looking forward to receiving your manuscript and many thanks for your hard work.


Best regards,
Theo J. Mertzimekis
Alexandra Ioannidou
Ion E. Stamatelatos
Guest Editors

PS-1 If there is a need to assign your full paper to an editor, and the Guest Editors do not show up in the list, please select Ion Stamatelatos from the Regular Editors list instead. We have been reported that some authors could not find the names of the Guest Editors in the ARI website. Dr. Stamatelatos will then handle your manuscript.
PS-2 for those interested in submitting your short proceedings article to the HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, please be noted that the deadline is the same. However, there is some flexibility with that, please send me a message in that case.
Theo J. Mertzimekis, PhD

Associate Professor | Academy of Athens Laureate
EU H2020 Pathfinder RAMONES Coordinator

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Physics
tel:   +30 210.727.6953

gps:   37.968222, 23.782997
www:   https://mertzimekis.gr
grp:   https://radium.phys.uoa.gr/nustrap
ORCID: 0000-0001-9191-7903

“Radioactive cats have 14 half-lives"