E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting, Symposium S: Call for Papers


Dear Colleague,

Following very successful symposia organized in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 we are pleased to inform you that the Symposium S: "Organized nanostructures and nano-objects: fabrication, characterization and applicationswill be held at the E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting, VIRTUAL Conference, from 20th to 23rd September 2021.

Please find all the information in:



Looking forward to receiving your contribution, we remember you that the deadline for abstract submission is 7th June, 2021

Please, feel free to advertise the symposium and to remind the deadline for abstract submission to all the people that could be interested to attend it.


Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Top-down and Bottom-up synthesis of nanostructures on surface and in volume
  • Area selective deposition and hybrid organic-inorganic approaches (SIS and VPI)
  • Doping issues in nanostructures
  • Self and induced organization of nanostructures (including BCP-, DNA-, LC- based nanofabrication)
  • Synthesis and properties of chiral nanomaterials
  • Advanced methodology to control synthesis, positioning, shape, size in nanostructures
  • Nanostructures for novel logic or memory device and for neuromorphic or quantum architectures
  • Nanostructures for energy applications: photovoltaic and thermoelectric
  • Nanostructures for advanced sensing, photonic, phononic, and plasmonic applications

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Synthesis of nano-structures: Top-down and Bottom-up processes
  • Nano-structures on surface and in volume
  • Self and induced organization of metal and semiconducting nano-structures
  • Advanced methodology to control synthesis, positioning, shape, size in nano-structures
  • Semiconducting nano-structures for novel logic or memory architectures and for quantum device
  • Light emission and optical gain in semiconductor nano-structures
  • Metal and semiconducting nano-structures for energy applications: photovoltaic and thermoelectric
  • Nano-structures for advanced sensing and plasmonic applications
  • Doping issues in nano-structures

- See more at: http://www.european-mrs.com/organized-nanostructures-and-nano-objects-fa...

in Warsaw University of Technology, from September 19 to 22, 2016. - See more at: http://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/2016-fall#sthash.CGKw9gfP.dpuf


Invited talks will be selected from outstanding submitted oral contributions




The symposium organizers
Gabriele SEGUINI
CNR-IMM, Laboratorio MDM Via C. Olivetti 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB) Italy
Mail: gabriele.seguini@mdm.imm.cnr.it


University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry, 1 Pasteur St., 02096 Warsaw, Poland
Mail: pmajewski@chem.uw.edu.pl
MIND - Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica Universitat de Barcelona C/ Martí i Franquès 1, 08028 Barcelona Spain
Mail: dnavarro@ub.edu
Patrizio BENZO
SINanO Group, CEMES-CNRS 29 Rue J. Marvig, 31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Mail: benzo@cemes.fr
Gabriele Seguini

Laboratorio MDM, IMM-CNR
Via C. Olivetti 2,
I-20864 Agrate Brianza (MB)

+39 039 603 63 83  (Office)
+39 039 603 51 43  (Lab)
+39 039 688 11 75  (Fax)
