[EBEAM2022] Pre-registration deadline, only 10 days left


Dear colleagues

Pre-registration  for EBEAM2022 ends in only 10 days!

Make sure you or your students are pre-registered to  the first School on Nano-optics with Free Electrons (eBEAM2022) to be held on 11-16th September 2022 at the french island of Porquerolles.

Electron optics and spectroscopy instrumentation developments in the last 20 years have considerably widened the range of applicability of electron beam techniques to nano-optics: meV beam energy spread, single atoms imaging capabilities, electron wavefunction shaping, fs pump probe experiments, and efficient light coupling to and from samples are a reality. This has enabled the study of a variety of excitations (plasmons, phonons, excitons...) at extreme spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions. Therefore, new theories have blossomed to explain exciting results coming from electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), cathodoluminescence (CL) and photon induced near-field electron microscopy (PINEM), and central concepts of nano-optics or quantum optics have been shown to be applicable to electron-based spectroscopies.

For this reason, it is high time for a school aiming at spreading knowledge about these new concepts and techniques and at fomenting the interest of a new generation of academics in this blooming field. That is the object of the eBEAM school, focused on electron spectroscopies for nano-optics.

Courses will cover: the basics of electron instrumentation and spectroscopies; electron-matter-light interaction; electron spectroscopies of optical material; time, space, and quantum coherence in electron spectroscopy; advanced EELS, CL and PINEM, as well as photoemission.

The school is aimed at Ph. Ds, Post Docs and any researchers willing to dive in this new field. Due to the limited number of places (80), applicants will be selected with a CV and motivation letter. A series of 8 lectures lasting 2 hours (broken by a 30 min. pause) will be given. Each lecturer is asked to give a 30 min. seminar on their own research topic in addition to the lecture. 2 posters sessions will be organized.

Pre-registration closes 14th April 2022.

Further information can be found on the ebeam2022.org website and in the attached circular PDF version.

We hope to see you in Porquerolles soon!

For the organisation committee, L. Tizei & M. Kociak