Eurosensors 2022

Dear Colleagues, Scientists, Students 

unfortunately, due to evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic all over the world, the situation is still too risky to confirm the organization of physical EUROSENSORS XXXIV CONFERENCE 2021 (already postponed from 2020). 

So, the Steering Committee  decided to postpone EUROSENSORS XXXIV Conference for another year, to 2022 (Lecce, 11-14 September 2022), taking into account the safety and the health of all conference participants.

However, a special and free one day event "EUROSENSORS 2021 Virtual Meeting" will be organized on Tuesday 7th of September 2021, to strengthen relationship between the Eurosensors community members.

It will be based on invited contributions (no call for paper) and it will be also the opportunity to commemorate three colleagues, Prof. A. D’Amico, Prof. S. Middelhoek, Prof. A. Nassiopulu, pioneers of Eurosensors Conference who passed away recently.

The participation to the event is free and the registration link is available here


Best Regards


The Eurosensors XXXIV Steering Committee and

Pietro Siciliano (Conference General Chair)

Luca Francioso (Technical Program Chair)


Pietro Siciliano
Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems
c/o Campus Ecotekne
Palazzina A3
Via Monteroni
73100 Lecce (Italy)
cell: 335 7982047
Tel: 0832 422500
e-mail: pietro.siciliano[@]