Giorno 23 maggio 2023, con inizio alle ore 11:00, presso l'Aula E, su invito della Dott.ssa Giorgia Franzò (Responsabile Delegato CNR-IMM Sede di Catania-Università), il Dott. Onofrio Maragò (Direttore CNR-IPCF, Messina) terrà un seminario dal titolo Optical tweezers: from space to the nanoscale... and back.
Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.
Abstract. After an introduction to the research activities of IPCF (Istituto per i processi chimici fisici, CNR) I will focus on the activities on optical trapping at the Nano-Soft Lab in Messina. Optical tweezers are powerful tools based on focused laser beams. They are able to trap, manipulate and investigate a wide range of micro and nanoscopic particles in different media, such as liquids, air, and vacuum. I will give an overview of results on optical trapping and characterization of particles at the nanoscale, including nanoplastics. Thus, I will briefly describe how optical tweezers can be used to trap and characterize extraterrestrial particulate matter.