Incontro SMeet - Venerdì 2 Luglio 2021 ORE 11:30

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vi invitiamo a partecipare all'incontro “SMeet” - Science Sharing Meetings, previsto per giorno Venerdì, 2 Luglio alle ore 11:30 (con ammissione in stanza disponibile dalle 11:20) che, attenendoci al protocollo relativo all’emergenza COVID-19, si terrà online tramite la piattaforma Microsoft Teams attraverso il seguente link:

Il meeting prevede:

* Speaker: Dott. M. Pizzone

* Chair: Dott.ssa R. Puglisi

* Titolo: Molecular Doping: An innovative method for conformal doping

* Abstract:
Molecular doping is a low cost and efficient alternative to the traditional silicon doping methods. It is based on the use of molecules dissolved in chemical solutions as sources of the dopant. The molecules form self-assembled layers on the substrate, allowing for the deterministic control of the dose and position of the source dopant atoms. The molecules are then decomposed and diffused inside the substrate via a thermal process. The obtained dose of active electrical carriers is as high as in the conventional methods, with the advantage to use low cost methods.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi,


SMeet – Comitato Organizzativo