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vi ricordiamo l'incontro SMeet di venerdì 21 Giugno 2024 alle ore 11:30, ESCLUSIVAMENTE IN PRESENZA in aula Campisano, sede CNR-IMM.
Il meeting prevede:
*Titolo:Innovative Plasma Research and Applications at INFN-LNS: from stellar nucleosynthesis to miniaturized particle Accelerators
*Speaker: Dott. D. Mascali (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - CataniaUniversitàdi Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia CentroSiciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia)
Plasma investigations at INFN-LNS started alreadyin ’90 aiming at the design and construction of ion sources forparticle accelerators, such as the Superconducting k800 Cyclotron ofLNS, or for other projects requiring high intensity beams (ADS -Accelerator Driven Systems, the European Spallation Source, etc). Inthe last 10-15 years many efforts have been paid to make aninnovation of research goals, methods, instruments, with the goal ofusing high temperature magnetically confined plasmas for fundamentalscience and applications. In particular, it is now under constructionat LNS a new facility for the investigation of the beta-radioactivityin a stellar-like environment (PANDORA), which will be an uniquesetup worldwide to probe some fundamental processes involved in thestellar nucleosynthesis. The know-how gained in the PANDORA frameworkhas allowed to contribute to the thermonuclear fusion field in thecontext of the DTT project, in particular for the plasma diagnosticstools and electromagnetic heating systems. More recently theSAMOTHRACE program has boosted the development of diagnostics and newsensors, being now available a test-bench for testing detectors,sensors and diagnostics methods in a hot plasma relevant environment.In its set of “arrows”, the plasma team of LNS now uses 3D toolsfor plasma modelling including both particles and plasma-emittedradiation, advanced post processing algorithm for X-ray diagnosticsand imaging, RF sensing and optical spectroscopy. The experience inthe advanced RF modelling has been further extended in the forefrontfield of miniaturized particle accelerators based on dielectricmaterials, such as DLA-Dielectric Laser Accelerators, being conceivedfor the integration on-chip in a micrometer scale. The seminar willgive a short overview of these research activities and their mainperspectives
*Chair: Dott.ssa A. Alberti (CNR-IMM)
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SMeet – Comitato Organizzativo