Invito al seminario "Sensor Applications with Graphene, 2D TMDC, MXene and,Their Composites" - Choon-Gi Choi, ETRI (Korea) - 27.09 ore 11

Cari colleghi,
ho il piacere di invitarvi al seminario del Dr. Choon-Gi Choi, Direttore del Graphene Research Team di ETRI (Korea) dal titolo:

"Sensor Applications with Graphene, 2D TMDC, MXene and their Composites"

Il seminario si svolgerà venerdì 27 settembre alle ore 11 presso la sala riunioni di IMM (primo piano) presso l'Area della Ricerca del CNR di Bologna, via Gobetti 101.

In allegato e in calce a questo email l'abstract del seminario.

Sentitevi liberi di diffondere questo invito tra tutti i vostri contatti che ritenete potrebbero essere interessati.

A presto


Sensor Applications with Graphene, 2D TMDC, MXene and their Composites

Choon-Gi Choi1,2

1Graphene Research Team, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon, Korea
2School of ETRI (ICT-Advanced Device Technology), University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea

Firstly, I will present a flexible and transparent graphene gas molecular sensor integrated with graphene heater and a gas molecule sensor of van der Waals tunnel field effect transistors with graphene/WS2/graphene (G/WS2/G) vdW
heterostructure tunnel FETs.

Secondly, I will introduce a surface plasmon resonance enhanced near-infrared photo-detector in single-layer MoS2 with vertically aligned nano-flakes by broadening the detection ranges from the visible region to the NIR region in the O2-v-MoS2 photodetector.

Finally, I will demonstrate flexible and wearable pressure-strain sensors for human motion detection. Two sensors are based on graphene composites such as rGO (Reduced Graphene Oxide)-SWCNT composite coated fabrics and MoS2/Graphene foam/Ecoflex hybrid nanostructures. In addition, I will introduce a multifunctional EMI shielding skin with excellent


Vittorio Morandi - Ph. D.
Deputy Director CNR-IMM Section of Bologna
via Gobetti 101 - 40129 Bologna,Italy