Why I cannot use famous Notepad++ text editor in Linux? Because it's only running in MS Windows environment due to Win32 API.
A team of developers (thanks too much!) rewrote Notepad++ original source code, using QT libraries instead of Win32 API. So, if you want to install Notepadqq software (actually there aren't public repositories), follow these steps:
1) Install dependencies from OpenSuse repos:
zypper in libqscintilla-devel libqt4-devel
2) Download original code sources from public git repository into an your local directory ($DEST_DIR_PATH):
git clone https://github.com/notepadqq/notepadqq.git $DEST_DIR_PATH
3) Go into $DEST_DIR_PATH/src directory. Compile and make binaries:
qmake-qt4 notepadqq.pro -r -spec linux-g++make
make install
If there aren't any errors, you have installed your software correctly. Type
and start to use this very useful utility.