Quantum Europe 2017 & QuantERA Proposers' Day: 16 and 17 February

Quantum Europe 2017 --  

Malta is holding a event, in cooperation with the European Commission, to  inform the community about the status of the preparation of the Quantum  Technology Flagship and to promote its objectives. The high level experts group will present its first recommendations towards the QT Flagship. It will be a key contribution to the definition of the research topics for the first three years of the Flagship, starting in 2018. At the event, several  countries intend to announce important national initiatives that complement  very well the European strategy.

How to participate
Participation of the conference is by invitation only. If you would like to  participate, but did not yet receive an invitation email, please contact us  on: cnect-c2@ec.europa.eu.

QuantERA Proposers' Day on 16 February
QuantERA (a network of 32 organisations from 26 countries, co-funded by the  Commission) is supporting international research projects in the field of  Quantum Technologies, with a budget up to 34 M EUR. QuantERA organises on the  16 February afternoon a Proposers' Day in Malta to allow researchers to  exchange ideas in order to form/strengthen consortia for project proposals  for its call 2017 (deadline for
pre-proposals: 15 March 2017).