Wikimedia for open science @ Nanoinnovatin 2021 - today and tomorrow


Dear all,

maybe you missed it, but today and tomorrow at Nanoinnovation we will have two sessions on Wikimedia for Open Science.

The two sessions are:

- Sept. 22nd: How Wikipedia and Wikidata work
- Sept. 23rd: Hands-on workshop on Wikimedia projects

Below you will find the extended description. The sessions will be from 17.30 to 19.00, both in person (for who is in Rome) and online.

The registration to Nanoinnovation is mandatory but is free of charge (

Hope to see you there (in person or online)


Wikimedia for open science (Sept. 22nd)

After 20 years since its creation, the online encyclopedia Wikipedia is a well known source of information. While being now part of pop culture, the freely editable online encyclopedia is also a source of data for scholars and enterprises, and a way to disseminate scientific knowledge.
Wikipedia is part of an ecosystem of projects, each devoted to a different subject like quotes, public domain texts and pictures. Among these projects, Wikidata is a structured data repository at the forefront of open science. In Wikidata, each item, being a topic, a person, an event or a concept, is connected to others, creating a vast graph linking different fields and entities.

The only ‘.org’s among the most visited sites the web – the volunteer created, nonprofit operated, ecosystem of websites has become a critical piece of knowledge infrastructure equally for every student as for every knowledge graph.

This presentation will introduce how Wikipedia and Wikidata in particular may be useful for scholars and inquisitive people, by showing practical examples of science communication and research projects which use them. Specific examples will be demonstrated from tools including Scholia as an automatic research profile generator for scholars (publications, employments etc) thanks to the collection of citation of scientific papers in Wikidata; and the Wikidata Query Service how to utilise it, and how to incorporate new information within it.

[This presentation is paired with a workshop the following day.]

Hands-on workshop on Wikimedia projects (Sept. 23rd)

As the saying goes “Wikipedia works in practice, but not in theory”.
This workshop will demonstrate tools, and teach basic skills, necessary to perform key tasks of Wikipedia and Wikidata use – both as a reader/researcher, and as a contributor/editor. Based on the interests of attendees, the session will divide into groups and provide practical instruction in such tasks as: editing a Wikipedia article and adding footnotes and references; creating Wikidata items; and performing queries on Wikidata.

[This workshop is paired with a presentation the previous day.]


Vittorio Morandi - Ph. D.
Deputy Director CNR-IMM Section of Bologna
via Gobetti 101 - 40129 Bologna,Italy
Phone: 051 6399141 - Fax: 051 6399216
E-Mail: morandi[@]


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Guest Editor of the Special Issue
"Recent Advances and Applications of Electron and X-ray Beams for Multiscale Tomography"
