Ciao a tutti,
vi scriviamo in merito allo stand per la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori.
La serata del 27 settembre ormai si avvicina....
Dear colleagues,
Just a friendly reminder that the final day for the ANP2024 registration and conference fee payment is this Sunday, August 25th.
We remain at your disposal for any further information.
Best Regards
ANP2024 Organizing Committee
Dear ANP2024 Conference Registred Participants,
We have been informed that some of you may have received spam emails attempting to persuade you to book a hotel through an unauthorized agency. Please be aware that these emails are not affiliated with our conference (ANP2024).
Dear Colleagues,
This is a kind reminder that the deadline for abstract submission for the ANP2024 conference has been extended.
The updated (and final) deadline is now set to Friday, June 14, 2024, at 23:59
No abstracts will be accepted after this date.
We would like to thank all colleagues who have already submitted their abstracts on time and disseminated
I Rappresentanti delle Studentesse e degli Studenti di Fisica invitano tutte e tutti coloro i quali "frequentiamo" il DFA a partecipare alla tradizionale Festa di Fisica 2024, che avrà luogo giovedì 13 giugno a partire dalle 20:00 nel piazzale antistante il Dipartimento.